September 20, 2024
Contact: Tommy Pigott and Taylor Rogers, Team Trump
THE ECONOMIC CONTRAST – “Are Americans better off than they were four years ago?” “What is your plan to lower prices?” These should be basic questions for a nominee for president, but not for Comrade Kamala.
In fact, during her “interview” with Oprah yesterday, Kamala Harris was asked a direct question: “We would really love to know what your plan is to help lower the cost of living.” Her response? “Yeah.” We are still waiting on an answer. Instead, this is what we got:
“First of all, thank you both for being here. And yours is a – a story I hear around the country as I travel, and um, in terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family and working hard and finding that the American Dream is, for this generation and so many recently, far more elusive than it's been, and we need to deal with that.”
What was that? The economy is the single most important issue facing voters and she’s acting like it’s a trick question. It’s also not the first time she has dodged this question.
Kamala Harris can’t answer because she knows voters won’t like what she has to say. Comrade Kamala has no plan to lower prices. She has no plan because it’s her policies that have fueled inflation, lowered real wages, and hammered middle-class families the last 3.5 years. We know the result of her economic agenda – Americans have been living through it, and it’s been a disaster.
All she offers is more of the same tried-and-failed, inflation-fueling “Bidenomics” with some Soviet-style regulations thrown in. President Trump, meanwhile, has a plan to lower costs, cut taxes for working Americans, make our country energy dominant, and restore the American Dream.
Bottom Line: A vote for President Trump is a vote to Make America Wealthy Again!
PRESIDENT TRUMP IS FOR YOU – The Trump campaign's latest ad slams Kamala Harris’ support for taxpayer-funded sex change surgery for inmates and illegal immigrants. You can view the ad here.
It’s so crazy, even Democrats couldn’t believe it. As the ad states, “Kamala's for they/them. President Trump is for you.”
158 Democrats – 158 Democrats voted against a bill to deport illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes – the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act.
According to Fox News, “In addition to deporting migrants convicted of sex crimes, the legislation would also deem illegal immigrants who admit to domestic violence or sex-related charges — or are convicted of them — to be inadmissible in the U.S.”
And yet 158 Democrats voted against it. Outrageous and disqualifying.
ILLEGAL MAIL BALLOT POLICIES IN PA – President Trump’s election integrity team at the RNC and the PAGOP are fighting Secretary Al Schmidt’s illegal mail ballot instructions to voters, filing an original action in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to stop his unlawful actions and force county boards to properly enforce the rules for casting mail ballots. Election officials cannot unilaterally change election laws, which is why the RNC and PAGOP are stepping in.
As RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated, “Secretary Schmidt’s policy ignores the law and has caused great confusion to Pennsylvania voters. This clearly undermines election integrity, diminishes fairness for voters, and threatens to erode public confidence in our elections. We have filed suit to force election officials to follow the law in the Keystone State.”
The details:
- Secretary Al Schmidt issued unlawful communications to voters who do not follow the instructions for completing and returning mail ballots that they may cast a provisional ballot instead.
- In 2020, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania held that voters who choose to vote by mail did not have the legal right to cure defects in those ballots.
- County boards have nonetheless adopted a patchwork of unlawful curing policies, which are not “uniform throughout the State” in violation of the Pennsylvania Constitution.
- Moreover, it is illegal for the Secretary to tell voters across the Commonwealth that they can cure mail ballot defects without regard to their counties’ curing rules, many of which do not allow curing at all.
- The RNC is standing with the law and the American people. The Secretary and county boards must comply with the Commonwealth’s election laws.
Read the full press release here.
BACKING THE BLUE – President Trump backs law enforcement and law enforcement backs President Trump. That’s a topic of the new research piece from Team Trump outlining the many ways President Trump will support law enforcement and the many law enforcement organizations endorsing President Trump.
From the piece.
- “President Trump has the support of the National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the nation’s largest police union with more than 377,000 members.”
- “In addition to the FOP, President Trump has earned the endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) and International Union of Police Associations (IUPA).”
- “At the state level, the Police Officers Association of Michigan, Arizona Police Association, and Florida Police Benevolent Association have all thrown their support behind President Trump.”
- “Numerous local police organizations have also endorsed Trump, including the Las Vegas Police Protective Association, the Suffolk County Police Officers’ Union, the Milwaukee Police Association, and the Kenosha Professional Police Association.”
For all the facts and figures, click here.
KAMALA’S WORD SALAD – Kamala was asked a simple question about prices. She couldn’t answer. Watch the video here.
EYES ON VIRGINIA – A new poll shows President Trump within one point in Virginia. Cue the panic at Kamala HQ!
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