Palm Beach Playbook - June 14, 2024

June 14, 2024

June 14, 2024

AN INTERNATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT – Crooked Joe Biden’s latest international trip was another predictable disaster – defined by awkward visuals of a shuffling fool in decline.

The mockery was global. Here are a few highlights:

  • The New York Post: “Biden embarrasses US with confused wanderings at world conference.”
  • The Sun: “Doddery Biden is ‘the worst he’s ever been’ — everyone is worried, say G7 insiders.”
  • The Mirror US: “Biden abruptly hobbles off in middle of G7 summit as officials are forced to pull him back.”
  • Financial Express: “A video capturing US President Joe Biden seemingly wandering away from fellow world leaders has sparked a wave of speculation and debate.”
  • The National Desk: “Biden appears to wander away during G7 summit, escorted back by Italian PM … The matter follows a string of strange incidents for Biden.”
  • The Daily Mail: “Come back for the photo, Joe! Moment Italy's Giorgia Meloni has to grab Biden, 81, after he wandered away from group at parachute display.” 

While the incompetent blowhards in the Biden White House humiliate themselves telling Americans not to believe their lying eyes, anybody can see Biden’s performance for what it was: an abject disaster.

No amount of spin can change that fact. For more information or to share the above, click here.

TRUMP LEADING IN MINNESOTA – You read that right! A new poll released today shows President Trump winning in Minnesota with both a multi-candidate ballot and a head-to-head match against Joe Biden.

This marks weeks of publicly reported polling showing Minnesota ready to support President Trump. Minnesota has not supported a GOP-Presidential candidate since 1972, which demonstrates that even in deep blue states, there is an exodus of voters from Crooked Joe because of his weakness, failure and dishonesty. Click here to read more.

HAPPY FLAG DAY! – Today and every day, we “pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

We stand with those who defend the Flag, and the freedom and opportunity the Flag represents.

The Left wants to tear the Flag down. Watch the new video here.

By reelecting President Trump on November 5th, Americans will reject the Left and send a strong message that our country’s best days are ahead of us. Make America Great Again!

A SYMBOL OF BIDEN’S FOREIGN POLICY – When Joe Biden announced that he would be building a pier to deliver aid to Gaza, critics almost instantaneously called out the many problems presented – the political message it sent, the ethical challenges, and the ability to effectively complete the operation.

But true to form, Biden put appeasing far-left groups ahead of the reality on the ground, and he went ahead anyway.  Since then, Biden’s pier has suffered one setback after another.

As reported by the Associated Press, on May 18, “the WFP suspended deliveries from the pier for at least two days.” Then, on May 25, “high winds and heavy seas damaged the pier and four U.S. Army vessels ran aground, injuring three service members, one critically. Crews towed away part of the floating dock in what became a two-week pause in operations.”

Now, even as Biden is insisting the pier be rebuilt, the World Food Program is considering shutting off aid completely.

The pier is now a physical symbol that Biden’s foreign policy leads to one catastrophe after another.

“THE DONALD TRUMP INTERVIEW” – In case you missed it, President Trump sat down with Logan Paul on the IMPAULSIVE podcast. Watch the full interview here.

ELECTION INTEGRITY WIN IN MICHIGAN! – The RNC, Michigan GOP, and NRCC have won a major victory to protect mail ballot safeguards in Michigan.

It was discovered that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson issued secret instructions to election officials to disregard signature verification requirements and instead “presume the validity” of signatures. The RNC, Michigan GOP, and NRCC filed suit to protect these important safeguards. The court agreed, holding that the Secretary’s instructions are unlawful and that officials cannot presume the validity of signatures.

For more information, click here.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRESIDENT TRUMP! – Happy Birthday to the best and next president of the United States, President Trump!

NO BAD DOGS, JUST BAD OWNERS – New reporting from the New York Post cites documents showing that Biden watched as his dog attacked Secret Service agents.

  • “Biden repeatedly watched his German shepherd Commander attack Secret Service members, who wished each other a ‘safe shift’ as the number of incidents mounted.”
  • “The number of dog attacks involving Commander, who the White House said in February was given away after more than two years of terrorizing professionals assigned to protect Biden, and former first dog Major, who was rehomed in 2021 after also attacking personnel; could top three dozen, the newly surfaced records suggest.”
  • “The 81-year-old president reportedly accused a Secret Service member of lying about being attacked by Major during his first year in office, but was present for at least three separate attacks involving Commander.”

There are no bad dogs, just bad owners. Crooked Joe Biden is a bad owner. Read the full article here.

DEMOCRATS CHOOSE CHAOS OVER COMMONSENSE – The Democrats are determined to undermine our democracy by opposing commonsense election integrity safeguards, and they are willing to make any absurd, baseless, or false claim to do it. The RNC and the Trump Campaign aren’t letting them get away with it. Breitbart has the latest:

  • “The Republican National Committee (RNC) is slamming the Biden campaign after it demanded the RNC drop mail-in ballot election integrity lawsuits in light of the RNC’s new messaging, noting that the criticisms are nonsense and asserting that Democrats are ‘laser-focused on dismantling election integrity safeguards.’”
  • “The Biden-Harris campaign formally called on the Trump campaign and RNC to drop ‘attacks’ on mail-in ballots…However, the RNC is pushing back, pointing out that its election integrity lawsuits are legitimate and zoned in on specific issues – counting ballots received four days after Election Day or without postmarks.”
  • “RNC Election Integrity Communications’ Claire Zunk told Breitbart News exclusively, ‘Rather than fixing the disasters Biden has created, Democrats are laser-focused on dismantling election integrity safeguards…President Trump has been very clear that Republicans should vote in the legal way that works best for them, and also very clear that we must secure the election to ensure these votes are counted properly…These are simple concepts, but Democrats would prefer a chaotic system that is open to fraud.’”

Read the full article here.

TIMELESS QUOTES BY JOE BIDEN – Crooked Joe Biden sure does have a way with words. Watch the video here.

IS VIRGINIA “ABOUT TO FLIP?” – A new article from The Wall Street Journal asks the question about Virginia that must be sending shivers of panic down the spines of Team Biden, “is it about to flip?”

Indeed, recent polling points to Trump’s momentum in the blue state:

As noted by Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt, “not only is President Trump dominating in every traditional battleground state, but longtime blue states such as Minnesota, Virginia, and New Jersey are now in play.”

That’s the important point: The fact that Virginia is even a conversation at the presidential level shows that President Trump is playing offense all over the electoral map.

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