The Biden Banking Crisis Is a Disaster of Historic Proportions

March 28, 2023

Mar-a-Lago, FL— President Donald J. Trump released a new video exposing the Biden Banking Crisis that has led to total economic destruction, after being handed the fastest growing economy in history. Biden’s out-of-control inflation and devastating interest rates, along with spending trillions of dollars waging war on American energy while pursuing Socialist programs like the Green New Deal, have hurt American families and put their children’s future in jeopardy.


Watch President Trump expose the Biden Banking Crisis and lay out his vision to rebuild the greatest economy in history.


“Biden and the radical Democrat Congress single-handedly created the highest inflation in decades,” President Trump said. “They spent trillions of dollars waging war on American energy and pursued the Socialist joke known as the Green New Deal, an absolute disaster for our country.”


“Now, the inflation and high interest rates that Joe Biden caused have resulted in the Biden Banking Crisis, a disaster of historic proportions. I will reverse the Biden tax hikes and regulation hikes and return to a pro-jobs, pro-growth, pro-worker policy that puts America First.”




Just a few years ago, I handed Joe Biden the fastest economic recovery in recorded history. But as soon as he came into office, he quickly blew it all up. It was a shame. So sad to watch. I knew what was happening. I could see it and so could others.


Biden and the radical Democrat Congress single-handedly created the highest inflation in decades. They spent trillions of dollars waging war on American energy and pursued the Socialist joke known as the Green New Deal, an absolute disaster for our country.


Now, the inflation and high interest rates that Joe Biden caused have resulted in the Biden Banking Crisis, a disaster of historic proportions.


We are seeing bank failures left and right. Biden and his enablers in Congress are directly responsible for creating this economic catastrophe. And with Joe Biden at the wheel, it will only get worse. That's what's happening in almost every single sector.


America needs a president who knows how to handle the economy. Under my leadership, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world. In fact, we really did it twice. Now we will do it a third time and this time it will stay.


I will unleash American energy to get prices down immediately. I will stop the Biden inflation nightmare. And that will go very quickly. I will reverse the Biden tax hikes and regulation hikes and return to a pro-jobs, pro-growth, pro-worker policy that puts America First.


Together, we will save our economy from destruction. November 5, 2024 cannot come fast enough.


Thank you.